Design professionally made training plans, with the Prebuilt Workout Library and use Test Events to evaluate athletes, in ScienceTraining!
All about endurance coaching and training, under the scope of science
8 principles to reach Peak Performance
Achieving peak performance is a one step at a time process, throughout training. And these 8 basic principles can help an athlete do it right!
How to finish the Ironman Marathon successfully
Full distance triathlon? To get through an Ironman Marathon, a systematic approach is required for both the training period and the race day.
Tapering for a Half-Marathon, for peak performance
Tapering helps athletes reach the peak of their condition, achieving max performance. But, how does tapering for a Ηalf-Μarathon work?
Tapering for a Marathon and how to do it right
There’s a critical phase, in the last stage of the Marathon “journey”, when the athlete is slowing things down, tapering for a Marathon race. Here’s how!
Dual calendar, calendar notes and notifications with ScienceTraining
Copy & paste workouts among athletes, using the Dual Calendar. Improve your communication, with Calendar Notes & improved Notifications.
Technology can’t replace sports coaches
With technology, sports coaches can expand their knowledge, develop new skills & grow their business, helping athletes excel. Coaches do that!
Brick training for beginners: Two tips you should know
Want to be successful in your first triathlon? Brick training for beginners should find its place in your weekly training plan. Onwards then!
Sprint Triathlon Training: A beginner’s guide
Τhe magical world of triathlon is waiting for you. Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of your sprint triathlon training — and the race itself!
Use VO2 max data to improve long distance running
VO2max is the maximum rate at which your body can consume oxygen during maximal aerobic intensity; How does it improve long distance running?