Easy monitoring, evaluation & readjustments, with a robust and reliable way to communicate the details could make or break a coach’s game.
All about endurance coaching and training, under the scope of science
7 benefits you can get out of Hill Training
Hill training may seem intimidating at first, but it’s a great way to get exceptional results, improving an athlete’s cardiovascular fitness!
15 Instagram tips for your coaching business
Instagram can be a great tool to grow your audience and business. With a few smart Instagram tips, you can build a strong Instagram presence.
Success Story: Royal CrossFit
Easy monitoring, evaluation & readjustments, with a robust and reliable way to communicate the details could make or break a coach’s game.
10 warm-up exercises to do before your race
Strength exercises: an important part of any training plan. Coaches include them into the periodization model, all the way to the race day.
Better user experience, more automation and increased robustness
We rounded up improvement requests, interesting use cases & fixes. We worked on these improvements to offer you a better coaching experience!
16 steps to successful branding on social media
Social media gradually changed the way people communicate, network, learn and even promote businesses. With billions of daily active users, it couldn’t be otherwise. Everybody is at least on one social media platform, nowadays. Hence, branding on social media is…
Trail running training, made easy, with Science
In trail running training, athletes train on the mountain, at the foot of a hill, on a beach or a meadow. A harsh routine, to say the least.
15 ways to achieve better social media presence
A website is no longer enough to get you an online presence. You need a social media presence; in lack of one, chances are you’re invisible.
3 benefits of Plyometric training in sports
You need to incorporate plyometric training in your athletes’ training programs. Let’s go through its benefits and why you need to use it.